Our school district administers an Annual USD 264 Student Perception Survey. In order to participate in the survey, each student must receive parent/guardian consent. We believe this survey is a valuable tool to help us understand how students behave, think and feel about both the academic and social environment of their school, as well as bullying issues and school safety. The survey gives us insight into the problems students face and shows what we can do to help them succeed. The information is important for planning effective prevention programs in our school and community and provides data to assist in decision making.
Your student’s survey can be viewed below.
You may also be interested to know the following:
1. YOU MUST HAVE CONSENTED DURING ENROLLMENT FOR YOUR STUDENT TO PARTICIPATE. Participation is entirely voluntary. Your child may decline to participate in the survey or may simply skip any question they do not wish to answer.
2. It is completely anonymous. Students will not be asked for their names on the questionnaire, nor will anyone be able to connect any individual student with his/her responses. School staff will not see any one student’s responses, but only summaries of results.
3. Annual participation is important. Even if your child has participated in previous surveys, annual data is extremely helpful in determining the effectiveness of previous efforts and changes in program areas.
Document Title | Date Uploaded |
2nd Grade 2023 Perception Survey | 2023-02-07 |
3rd-4th Grades 2023 Perception Survey | 2023-02-07 |
5th-6th Grades 2023 Perception Survey | 2023-02-07 |
7th-12th Grades 2023 Perception Survey | 2023-02-07 |