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Vocal Music Teacher Instructs Virtually During Treatment

Posted Date: 03/24/2021

Vocal Music Teacher Instructs Virtually During Treatment

Mrs. Rhoadarmer instructs middle school choir


In a year that saw many new ways of doing school, one Clearwater teacher faced an even greater challenge. In the summer of last year, Mrs. Angela Rhoadarmer, CHS/CMS Vocal Music Instructor, was diagnosed with cancer, requiring her to temporarily relocate to Kansas City. Not wanting to miss the connection with her students, Rhoadarmer has continued to assist with instruction virtually. 

“I do a lot of listening to the classes and then giving feedback,” Roadarmer said. “I have also been able to connect with my Tribe Time because we are able to hold individual meetings. We go over their grades and how they are doing with everything. That part has worked out very well because of the individual connection.” Rhoadarmer has continued to be behind the scenes lesson planning and event organizing and in class virtually with the students as much as possible.

With the help of co-teacher Mrs. Anne Amstutz and long-term substitute teacher Mrs. Ila Klaus, Clearwater vocal music students are singing, performing and competing. 

“It’s been inspirational for the choir students to see her working hard and showing up for them despite how she has felt. That dedication is important for students to see,” commented Amstutz. “This is only my second year of teaching and I appreciate her wisdom, expertise and mentorship.” 

Rhoadarmer recently finished her successful treatment in KC and continues to teach her students virtually from home. 
