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Mrs. Thomas Brings Cosmosphere Lessons Into the Classroom

Posted Date: 03/28/2023

Mrs. Thomas Brings Cosmosphere Lessons Into the Classroom

Clearwater Intermediate-MiddleSchool STEM Teacher Meredith Thomas was recently chosen for the Cosmosphere’s 2023 Launch-Learning Fellowship.  

The program gives fellowship teachers access to many standards-based, hands-on STEM lessons.

Mrs. Thomas remarked, “One resource I’m particularly interested in is the virtual museum tour where we get to experience and learn about their museum artifacts. This is especially helpful for my Flight and Space class to demonstrate to students how Astronauts live in space. They have several STEM lessons from Astronauts themselves.”  

Other program benefits include discounted field trips, a team of educators to do school visits, and summer STEM camp for teachers.  

“My goal is to incorporate more interactive learning experiences for students in all of my classes that are connected to the standards that they are learning,” Thomas said. “My short time in the program has already taught me to be a better STEM teacher.”