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Student Acceptable Use Agreement

Acceptable Use Agreement
for Internet and Other Electronic Resources

Student User Agreement

(Printable PDF Here)

I signify the following: I have read the terms and conditions of the Acceptable Use Agreement for Internet and Other Electronic Resources. I understand and will abide by the stated terms and conditions. 

I further acknowledge that my use of computers, networks, Internet, and email provided by USD 264 are subject to and shall be conducted in compliance with the Student Handbook and School Board policies and all applicable laws and regulations. I am responsible for my appropriate behavior and communication on electronic devices just as I am in the classroom or on school property.

I understand if I have a personal electronic device at school that the Acceptable Use Agreement is applicable to my personal electronic device and that USD 264 is not responsible for any loss or damage or support to my personal device.

I understand there is to be no expectation of privacy on the network and that authorized USD 264 employees may monitor electronic communication.

Student Technology Replacement Costs

As the parent or guardian of this student, during enrollment I read and understood the terms and conditions of the Acceptable Use Agreement for Internet and Other Electronic Resources. I accept full responsibility for my student’s use of school resources and understand that if damage to their device occurs I could be held liable for damages and replacement costs.

Charges incurred from misuse of any kind will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

2022 Student chromebook replacement costs

District Calendar

Contact Information

Clearwater Schools USD#264
151 S. 1st Avenue
Clearwater , Kansas 67026
Phone: 620-584-2091
Fax: 620-584-6705
